Ekipa 2022/2023

Kristina Lahovnik

Kristina je študentka absolventskega staža na dodiplomskem študiju na Pravni fakulteti Univerze v Mariboru. V okviru izobraževanja je že dve leti članica študentskega sveta, napisala je članek za revijo Iusto Iure in se udeležila prakse Amicus curiae na Okrožnem sodišču v Mariboru. Prav tako je v letu 2021/2022 na Tekmovanju iz mediacije osvojila naslov najboljše mediatorke. V letošnjem letu se je zaradi zanimanja za gospodarsko pravo ter želje po novih izkušnjah odločila preizkusiti tudi na mednarodnem tekmovanju Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot. V prostem času rada bere, se druži s prijatelji in preživlja čas z družino.


Kristina is a gap year student of the undergraduate study programme at the University of Maribor, Faculty of Law. She has been a member of the Student Council for two years, has written an article for the Iusto Iure magazine and has participated in an Amicus Curiae practice at the District Court in Maribor. She also won the Best Mediator title at the 2021/2022 Mediation Competition. This year, due to her interest in commercial law and her desire to gain new experience, she decided to participate in the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot. In her free time, she enjoys reading, hanging out with friends and spending time with her family.

Urška Nerat

Urška je študentka absolventskega staža na dodiplomskem študiju na Pravni fakulteti Univerze v Mariboru. V študijskem letu 2021/2022 se je udeležila prakse Amicus curiae na Okrožnem sodišču. Prav tako se je v tem letu uvrstila na ustni del polfinalne obravnave vse študentskega tekmovanja Študentska pravda. Letos si izkušnje nabira v Odvetniški družbi Vesenjak, ker pa znanja ni nikoli preveč, se je odločila tudi za Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot, z namenom pridobivanja znanja, novih spoznanstev in predvsem novih izkušenj. Misel s katero lahko opiše dosedanji potek študija je: “Nulla est maior probatio quam evidentia rei.”


Urška is a gap year student of the undergraduate study programme at the University of Maribor, Faculty of Law. In the academic year of 2021/2022, she attended the Amicus Curiae project at District Court in Maribor. She also participated in the national moot competition “Študentska pravda”, where her team qualified for the semi-finals. This year, she is gaining experience at Vesenjak Law Firm. And since there is never enough knowledge she decided to participate in  the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot to gain new experiences. The thought that can best describe her study activities till now is “Nulla est maior probatio quam evidentia rei.”

Nastja Gorenc

Nastja je študentka 1. letnika magistrskega študijskega programa pravo. V okviru izobraževanja na Pravni fakulteti se je v letu 2021/2022 na vseslovenskem študentskem tekmovanju Študentska pravda z ekipo uvrstila na 2. mesto. Ob skodelici čaja rada bere knjige, prosti čas pa ji krajšajo tudi hišni ljubljenčki. V letošnjem letu se je iz zanimanja za mednarodno gospodarsko pravo in želji po pridobitvi novih izkušenj z javnim nastopanjem odločila preizkusiti na mednarodnem tekmovanju Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot. Z udeležitvijo na tem tekmovanju želi svoje pravniško znanje ponesti na višjo raven obenem pa želi pridobiti življenjsko vredno izkušnjo.


Nastja is a first year master’s student at the University of Maribor, Faculty of Law. In the course of her education at the Faculty of Law, she and her team came 2nd place in the all Slovene student moot competition ‘Študentska pravda’ in 2021/2022. In her free time she is occupied with her pets and her evenings consist of a good read and an even better tea. This year, out of her interest in international commercial law and the desire to gain new experience in public speaking, she decided to test her law knowledge at the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot. By taking part in this competition she wants to take her knowledge to a higher level and equally gain an experience of a lifetime.

Nina Rebol

Nina je študentka 2. letnika magistrskega študijskega programa pravo na Pravni fakulteti Maribor. Do sedaj je sodelovala v Študentskem svetu, vsa leta študija zastopala fakulteto v Univerzitetni športni ligi in se udeležila tekmovanja Študentska pravda, kjer je z ekipo zasedla 1. mesto. Prav tako je že nekaj časa pravna svetovalka v društvu Pravo za VSE. Proti koncu študija se je odločila preizkusiti tudi na mednarodnem tekmovanju Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot. V okviru tega tekmovanja si želi pridobiti predvsem novega znanja in izkušenj. V svojem prostem času trenira odbojko, igra saksofon, obiskuje sosednje hribe, največkrat pa jo najdemo pod »deko« s knjigo v roki. Njena božična tradicija je, da pogleda The Lord of the Rings triologijo. Seveda Extended edition.


Nina is a second year master’s degree law student at Faculty of Law Maribor. Until now, she has participated in the Student Council, throughout her years of study she represented the faculty in the University Sports League and she participated in the Student Litigation competition, where she and her team took 1st place. She has also been a legal advisor in the association Pravo za VSE for some time. Towards the end of her studies, she also decided to try out at the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot. In the context of this competition, she wants to gain new knowledge and experience. In her free time, she plays volleyball and the saxophone, visits the neighbouring hills, and is most often found under a blanket with a book in her hand. Her Christmas tradition is to watch The Lord of the Rings trilogy. Extended edition of course.

Anika Rovan

Anika je študentka 1. letnika magistrskega študijskega programa pravo. Že od 1. letnika dodiplomskega študijskega programa se redno udeležuje aktivnosti, ki jih ponuja Pravna fakulteta UM. Udeležila se je tekmovanja EKČP mojster, ki ga organizira Študentski svet PF UM, na katerem je dosegla 3. mesto. Na fakulteti redno obiskuje MUN debatni klub in sodeluje pri drugih projektih, kot so opravljanje prakse Amicus Curiae. Udeležila se je tudi tekmovanja MEDMUN, na katerem je prejela prestižni naziv Best Delegate v okviru odbora UNEP. Poleg tega se je preizkusila tudi v znanju civilnega prava in na tekmovanju Študentska pravda dosegla ekipno uvrstitev v polfinale, na katerem je bila njihova tožba ocenjena kot druga najboljša. Kot resna študentka je eden izmed ciljev na njeni akademski poti tudi udeležba na tekmovanju Williem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot, na kateremu letos sodeluje prvič.


Anika is a first year master’s degree law student at Faculty of Law Maribor. Since her first year of the undergraduate study program, she regularly participates in the activities offered by the Faculty. She achieved third place in the ECHR master competition. She regularly attends the MUN debate club and participates in other projects, such as Amicus Curiae practice. She also participated in the MEDMUN competition, where she received the prestigious title of Best Delegate within the UNEP committee. Furthermore, she tested her knowledge of civil law and reached the semi-finals as a team at the Student Litigation competition, where their lawsuit was rated as the second best. As a serious student, one of the goals on her academic path is also participation in the Williem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot, in which she is participating for the first time this year.

Timotej Gril

Timotej je študent 1. letnika magistrskega študijskega programa pravo. Tekom študija je svoje izkušnje nabiral v več obštudijskih dejavnostih. V študijskem letu 2021/2022 se je udeležil projekta »Amicus Curiae«, ki ga vsako leto organizira Pravna fakulteta. V istem študijskem letu je sodeloval v vseslovenskem tekmovanju Študentska pravda. S petčlansko ekipo sošolcev so se uvrstili na ustno fazo simulacije ter na koncu zasedli 2. mesto. V prostem času se ljubiteljsko ukvarja z gledališčem in glasbo. Z željo po razširitvi svojih znanj se letos udeležuje mednarodnega tekmovanja Williem c. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot, ki je odlična priložnost za pridobitev novih kompetenc.


Timotej is a first-year master’s degree law student at Faculty of Law Maribor. In the academic year 2021/2022, he participated in the “Amicus Curiae” project that is organised yearly by the Faculty of Law. That same academic year he also participated in the national competition “Študentska pravda” in which his team qualified for finals and achieved second place. In his free time, he takes interest in theater and music. This year, with the desire to expand his knowledge, he decided to take part in the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Moot, which is an excellent opportunity to acquire new skills and competences.

Zala Heric

Zala je študentka 1. letnika magistrskega študijskega programa pravo. V okviru izobraževanja na Pravni fakulteti se redno udeležuje raznih obštudijskih dejavnosti z namenom pridobivanja dodatnega znanja. Do sedaj je tekmovala na mednarodnem tekmovanju MEDMuN v Franciji, letos pa se bo pomerila tudi na tekmovanju MUNLaws v Ljubljani. Udeležila se je tudi projekta Amicus Curiae, ki je potekal na Okrožnem sodišču v Mariboru. Prav tako se je preizkusila tudi v znanju civilnega prava ter na tekmovanju Študentska pravda dosegla ekipno uvrstitev v polfinale, na katerem je bila njihova tožba ocenjena kot druga najboljša. Letos se Zala, zaradi zanimanja za mednarodno gospodarsko arbitraži in z namenom pridobiti nova znanja ter izkušnje, udeležuje mednarodnega tekmovanja Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot.


Zala is a first-year master’s degree law student at Faculty of Law Maribor. As part of her education, she regularly participates in various extracurricular activities in order to gain additional knowledge. So far, she has competed at the MEDMuN international competition in France and this year she will also compete at the MUNLaws competition in Ljubljana. She also participated in the Amicus Curiae project at the District Court in Maribor. They also tested their knowledge of civil law and reached the team semi-finals of the Student Litigation Competition, where their lawsuit was judged the second best. This year, Zala is taking part in the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot due to her interest in international commercial arbitration and in order to gain new knowledge and experience.

Gašper Kavnik

Gašper je študent prvega letnika magistrskega študijskega programa pravo. V prostem času se ukvarja s športom in prostovoljstvom, saj je aktiven član kinološkega društva za reševalne pse REPS Maribor. Tekom svojega študija se je udeleževal različnih projektov in tekmovanj, ki jih je organizirala Pravna fakulteta Maribor, kot so praksa Amicus curiae, vseslovensko tekmovanje v poznavanju prava Študentska pravda (kjer je z ekipo dosegel 2 mesto), teoretično znanje pa dopolnjeval tudi s delom v praksi (Odvetnik Pivec, Odvetnica dr. Urška Kežmah). Za sodelovanje na tekmovanju se je odločil zaradi želje po spoznavanju mednarodne arbitraže in dokazovanja na mednarodni ravni.


Gašper is a first-year master’s degree law student at Faculty of Law Maribor. When he is not occupied with legal studies he likes sport and is a volunteer in canine society REPS Maribor. Besides studying he also participates in various extracurricular activities like Amicus curiae and Slovenian law competition Študentska Pravda (achieved second place). He improves his knowledge in practice by working in law firms. His main motive for joining the competition is his interest in international arbitration.