Kristina je študentka absolventskega staža na dodiplomskem študiju na Pravni fakulteti Univerze v Mariboru. V okviru izobraževanja je že dve leti članica študentskega sveta, napisala je članek za revijo Iusto Iure in se udeležila prakse Amicus curiae na Okrožnem sodišču v Mariboru. Prav tako je v letu 2021/2022 na Tekmovanju iz mediacije osvojila naslov najboljše mediatorke. V letošnjem letu se je zaradi zanimanja za gospodarsko pravo ter želje po novih izkušnjah odločila preizkusiti tudi na mednarodnem tekmovanju Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot. V prostem času rada bere, se druži s prijatelji in preživlja čas z družino.
Kristina is a gap year student of the undergraduate study programme at the University of Maribor, Faculty of Law. She has been a member of the Student Council for two years, has written an article for the Iusto Iure magazine and has participated in an Amicus Curiae practice at the District Court in Maribor. She also won the Best Mediator title at the 2021/2022 Mediation Competition. This year, due to her interest in commercial law and her desire to gain new experience, she decided to participate in the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot. In her free time, she enjoys reading, hanging out with friends and spending time with her family.